Sunday 3 March 2013

Coolest holiday ever

On Saturday the 2th of March we went to kiwiyo in mission bay  with my nephew , two big brothers , my sister in law, and my sister in law’s best friend.They came home and they gave me pjs it was the best pj I have ever had and they gave my little baby sister a toy a bee toy .After that we went to the kiwiyo it so cool it was my first time at kiwiyo.

II had a mango one it was yum!! . Then I had to put candy in my cup my sister in law gave me her one,she had a watermelon one  then we went to take a pic of our self on the webcam it was  cool .

Then we went to Carl jr I had a burger i had  the one I loved the western bacon burger. I never eat all of it but it was yum, and with that aI had an l and it was a cool night with my brother.


  1. Hi liz,
    That was a awesome day you must of had.

  2. Hi liz i wish i could go there i et that it is really fun there.

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